Multi-Discipline Startup Advisor & Leader

Work with Jonathan

I work with startups in many capacities, whether you need help with a short project, a one-time startup pitch coaching session, a single advisory call, or a long-term engagement a few days a week. I also offer regular ongoing advisory and even full-time startup leadership.

We’ll work together to craft the type of relationship that works best for you and your business. Whether you’re looking for strategic advice, hands-on help with data analytics & product, or guidance through a specific challenge, I’m here to support you. Get in touch to discuss how we can work together.

Or book a call 👇

Book an advisory call.

When is the right time to raise a seed round? What milestones does an investor want to see? What story do I need to tell in my pitch deck?

How do I know if I’ve got Product-Market Fit? How do I go to market with my new Marketplace? How do I balance founding a company with my mental health so I don’t get burned out?

If you’re facing a challenge or decision, chances are high that I’ve seen it before. Let me save you countless hours by discussing a wide range of topics. I will review any information you share beforehand and share a few relevant resources as a follow-up.


30 Minutes


Best for: Introductions and quick-takes on your business or a deeper dive on one topic.

60 Minutes


Best for: High-level analysis of your entire business with a deeper discussion one 1-3 components.

90 Minutes


Product feedback, UX analysis, pitch deck feedback and improvement.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together somehow? Reach out and I’ll get back to you soon!